how to create meaning in life

If you can identify and nurture the most important parts of your life, you can let go of the other stressors that are bringing you down and better regulate your emotions. For example, religion may teach you that helping others will give you purpose. But for this to be truly fulfilling, you’ll have to reflect on why helping others is personally important to you — and your reasons for donating to charity will differ from someone else’s. But, even if these resources are helpful, the work doesn’t end there. Someone can suggest what makes life meaningful, but you’ll have to figure out how those lessons fit into your life. Though her book is more focused on stories and philosophy than research, Smith does at least offer new ideas in an area that was once primarily the purview of spiritual traditions.

  • Kierkegaard is concerned with actually living one’s life, not just thinking about it.
  • This sense of story about how we came to be who we are is often meaningful to us.
  • However, says Bronk, older folks may want to reflect back rather than look ahead.
  • Prioritizing them allows us to channel our focus on the top important goals, and one or more of the planners above will hopefully be useful for this.

Take the Purpose in Life Quiz

For decades, psychologists have studied how long-term, meaningful goals develop over the span of our lives. The goals that foster a sense of purpose are ones that can potentially change the lives of other people, like launching an organization, researching disease, or teaching kids to read. To summarize, it appears that centenarians adopt a positive mindset and psychological traits and value their social relationships. These factors may contribute to a longer, more meaningful life and protect against illness and depression. Fostering interests and hobbies is another way to find meaning in your life, buttressing against negative feelings and thoughts.

Setting Goals Can Clarify Our Behaviors

Likewise, a life that has meaning feels purposeful and significant. Your effort, applied over time, is a common definition of the word “work.” This means you’re likely to be disappointed if you expect to find meaning in five minutes or less using only a cocktail napkin. As Edgar Allan Poe put it, “The best things in life make you sweaty.” It takes work, effort, and the use of your character strengths, but it doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy the sweat.

how to create meaning in life

Worksheets for Creating and Setting Life Goals (Incl. PDF)

how to create meaning in life

Here are some of her recommendations based on her research on purpose. Practice bringing full presence and a sense of newness to the unfolding moments in your day, like an actor performing a play for the first time. Try to find people who are also learning this language and watch a film in that language together. Centenarians greatly value their social experiences and are actively involved in social events (Wong et al., 2014).

how to create meaning in life

Each of us must become impassioned, finding meaning and self-fulfillment in our own life’s journey. In fact, many older adults live incredibly long, busy lives, and their positive psychological profiles act as a buttress against illness, loneliness, and depression. There is vast evidence that centenarians have very positive attitudes and psychological traits and few negative personality traits. The philosophical question is aimed at understanding the meaning of life in general, as well as our role in that meaning.

  • There are all sorts of little things that can provide meaning if you take the time to notice them.
  • Maybe those five minutes you spend writing on a cocktail napkin will help you commit to a new path.
  • With useful prompts, a few tips, and some examples, the layout of this sheet includes spaces for 5-year, 1-year, and 1-month goals.
  • Volunteering in a community organization focused on something of interest to you could provide you with some experience and do good at the same time.
  • Lucky you if you were born already knowing what the meaning of your life is.

What Is Meaning? And How to Create a More Meaningful Life

But Bronk’s research suggests that having a supportive social network—caring family members, like-minded friends, or mentors, for example—helps youth to reframe hardship as a challenge they can play a role in changing for the better. Practicing mindfulness meditation can be a helpful way to recognize when we are getting lost in our thoughts and to learn to disengage from autopilot. Each time we catch our minds wandering away, it is an opportunity to come back to this present moment. While formal meditation practice is greatly beneficial, we can also practice informally by paying attention to the moments of our lives in a more awake and mindful way. This involves bringing greater mindful awareness into our day by purposefully paying attention and noticing what is happening in the present moment, in a non-judgmental way.

how to create meaning in life

However, Camus tells us that Sisyphus can rebel against the meaninglessness of the situation by embracing the absurdity. He can assert the value of his life and embrace the meaninglessness of his task. By doing so, he can find meaning in the absurdity — even if his work comes to naught in the end. As such, Sartre argues that some variation of the categorical how to create meaning in life imperative — the moral rule that states you should only act in a way that everyone could logically act in — is a vital part of decision-making. Those afraid of existentialists choosing values that would ruin society might also breathe a little easier with this knowledge. Several philosophers have proposed answers to the age-old question.

how to create meaning in life

How to make an action plan to achieve your goals and follow it

The Value Cards group exercise provides 42 values (plus some blanks) that can be cut out to form a deck of cards. Work with your client to identify what is most valuable to them before they commit to action; for example, being creative, learning, or showing compassion to others. The terms are sufficiently close to saying that in the absence of either, our life lacks a story. As humans, we need something to strive for and a sense of connectedness between the important moments that make up our existence (Steger, 2009).

How to Find and Determine Personal Goals in Life

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